Most of the interest around quantum computing and its potential applications center around trying to solve classically-intractable problems like finding better ways to make fertiliser to help combat world hunger.

Gaming is another aspect that some people are looking into see how quantum computing technology and concepts can be applied. Dr James Wootton from IBM Quantum Research has been active in this area for a few years now. There are even game jams (hackathons).

Quagmire Quantum Physics Engine

Unity is one of the most popular game development engines in the market. It has a classical physics engine built-in (as do most game engines).

Our thinking is that in order to experiment and explore fun new ways of game design and development incorporating some of the weird, wacky and counter-intuitive behaviour of quantum mechanics and quantum computing in gaming, a quantum physics engine would be required.

Although it is currently still more of an idea that an actual usable product, Quagmire is the beginning of our exploration into quantum computing game design. Maybe one day we will also develop one for Unreal and Godot as well.

Teaching Quantum with Minecraft

One of our missions is to help educate people about quantum in a fun and easy-to-understand way. We believe Minecraft could be the perfect tool to aid us in this mission.

Follow our progress on our blog.

Another interesting application of quantum computers in gaming is procedural generation (automatically/randomly generating the levels and environment you play the game in). Experimenting in Minecraft would be ideal.